
We deliver data-driven advertisements on both traditional mass media and digital channels. We ensure that our advertisement adhere to the following principles: uncommon strategy, competitive superiority, elements of surprise and originality and campaign-ability of the advertising idea. Also, AIDA [Attention, Interest, Desire and Action] as well as SMILE [Simplicity, Memorability, Interesting, Linkage and Emotional involvement].

Our advertisement process is in-depth to ensure premium result. The process comprises the following:

Product Knowledge
  • Uncover the Strengths and Weaknesses of the brand
  • Define the Brand's Stamina [The Core Strength of the brand to leverage]
  • Articulate the Brand's Positioning Statement
  • Analyze the brand's Target Audiences [Psychographics and Demographics]
  • Brand's seasonality
Competitive Environment
  • Competitive Brands, their Strengths and Weaknesses versus client's brand
  • Sector Analysis
  • Market Segmentation and Source(s) of Business
Creative/ Messaging
  • We speak in the “Language” of the target audience
  • Articulate “The Great Mind Grab“, the central creative platform or the theme from where all the strands of communication will be drawn to ensure consistency in message
  • Central Visual Element which relate to the Great Mind; Grab should be highly creative, unique, cluster-free and aesthetically appealing
Media Selection/ Rationale and Media Deployment
  • Our media selection and deployment across digital and conventional platforms is highly strategic and is based on a unique media buying principle which we have developed: P-M-T-R I[Product-Media-Target Audience Relationship Intelligence]. This enables us to select media with the most impactful reach of the target audience at the right time, through the right channel and at the right place which is data-driven.
Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation
  • We monitor our advertising campaigns consistently, evaluate and send reports at regular intervals during the campaigns. Over all evaluation and reports are presented at the end of the campaign